Individual Consultations

How does Individual Consultations work?

Sessions give individuals the opportunity to confidentially talk through problems or situations with a trained professional. It does not necessarily make problems disappear, but it equips individuals with the tools needed to cope with them more appropriately.

What to expect from a Session?

Individual Consultations are useful for many types of situations that cause stress, anger, grief or conflict. In a comfortable, private setting, an individual and a psychologist will explore many different important issues, including (but not limited to):

  • Expression of thoughts and emotions
  • Behavior patterns
  • Problem solving
  • Conflict resolution
  • Strengths and weaknesses

Is an Individual Consultation right for me?

Individual consultation is beneficial to all types of people who may be experiencing any one of these common issues:

  • Extreme emotions, like sadness or anger
  • Loss of enjoyment of activities
  • Recent trauma (death of a loved one, divorce, job lost)
  • Other stressfull situations
  • Substance abuse
  • Problems at work
  • Strained family and/or personal relationships
  • Concern from friends or family

How many Sessions do I need?

The number of sessions and their frequency depends on the individual’s situation. It may be short-term (focusing on immediate issues) or long-term (delving into more complex problems).

Short-term lasts about 6-12-30 sessions and is focused on trying to solve a specific problem. This form is addressed to people who are struggling with a specific difficulty and would like to improve or change the aspect of their life that they have suffered the most lately.

Long-term therapy is a series of meetings that does not have a specific time frame (from 1 year and longer). The goal of this type of meetings is to achieve the desired change (in the quality of our lives, in experiencing ourselves, other people and the world, in the way we function), as well as changes in personal development.